You can easily cancel the subscription to the game right from your device. Please note that deleting the app will not cancel your subscription. The directions to cancel your subscription depends on the operating system of your device.

If you are using Apple (iOS) device, please go through the following steps:
  1. Open your device’s Settings;
  2. Scroll down and tap on iTunes & App Store;
  3. Tap on Apple ID: (your e-mail), then tap View Apple ID and enter your password if prompted;
  4. Tap Manage under Subscriptions and select Massive Warfare: Aftermath. If you are using iOS 10, tap on Subscriptions and select Massive Warfare: Aftermath;
  5. Disable auto-renewal by tapping on the green button and tap Done. If you are using iOS 10, tap on Cancel Subscription.
(If you don’t see Massive Warfare: Aftermath subscription under Subscription and are still being charged, make sure you’re signed in with the same Apple ID being charged)

If you are using Google (Android) device, please follow these steps:
  1. Launch Google Play Store on your device;
  2. Tap Menu, then My Apps;
  3. Tap Subscriptions and select Massive Warfare: Aftermath;
  4. On Massive Warfare: Aftermath’ page, tap Cancel Subscription, and once again in the confirmation box.